Way Home through nor­thern Ger­ma­ny

An epi­logue

Lübeck, Holstentor From Tra­ve­mün­de to Lü­beck it is less than 20 ki­lo­me­ters. I ta­ke a day off, have the first beer for mo­re than a month and have a look at the his­to­ri­cal cen­tre of the ci­ty. The beer, the well-known Bud­wei­ser, is too sweet for me and near­ly ru­ins my good re­la­ti­on to­wards beer.

Lünerburger Heide The next day I pass by Ham­burg in the east (Fried­richs­ru­he) and spend the night in the youth hos­tel of Un­de­loh. I cross the Lü­ne­bur­ger Hei­de whe­re I have to pu­sh my bike for the se­cond ti­me on this trip as the roads are too san­dy for cy­cling.

Auti with a bike well packed From he­re on I have to suf­fer of straight head winds un­til the end. But now I can see my des­ti­na­ti­on not too far away: Bonn. On the way I vi­sit my aunt at Arns­berg whe­re I eat as much of a plum ca­ke as pos­si­ble and em­pty ma­ny bott­les of beer. Next day I cross my ho­me­town Ra­de­vorm­wald and spend the last eve­ning with my pa­rents in Wup­per­tal.

Skan­di­na­via - loo­king back

Af­ter 4600 km through Swe­den, Nor­way and Fin­land I re­call the most im­pres­si­ve jour­ney of my li­fe, un­sur­pas­sed even 40 years la­ter. I had ma­ny love­ly days, ve­ry few but hard rai­ny days and great sce­ne­ry all day long.

I was deep­ly im­pres­sed by me­re­ly eve­ry part of Swe­den. Rol­ling hills, ne­at hou­ses, parks and farms and love­ly wild cam­ping si­tes at be­au­ti­ful la­kes.

Nor­way, the most ex­pen­si­ve coun­try on my way, did im­press me most. There is sce­ne­ry and co­lors and a vast coun­try si­de and going by Hur­tig­ru­ten through the fjords is so­me­thing ve­ry, ve­ry spe­ci­al. The North Ca­pe itself is just a na­me alt­hough even the last mi­les are ve­ry be­au­ti­ful.

Fin­land could not keep pace with that, even mo­re, I was rat­her di­s­ap­poin­ted. There is al­ways a space of woods bet­ween the road and the la­kes, so that you don't see much of them. To me Fin­land was the coun­try of the «1000 in­vi­si­ble la­kes». On the other si­de Fin­land has the best cam­ping si­tes I have ever seen. There are hot sho­wers, camp fi­res and a lot of eve­ry day equi­pe­ment. Hel­sin­ki is not that in­te­res­ting eit­her.

The sen­suous peak of the jour­ney was the ar­ri­val in Mo I Ra­na. On­ce be­fo­re and ne­ver again I have be­en so hap­py when get­ting to a day's des­ti­na­ti­on. And even the spec­ta­cu­lar ar­ri­val at the North Ca­pe was not that tre­men­dous.

I ad­ap­ted my food to the small bud­get, milk, müs­li, rais­ins, app­les and ba­na­nas, some mush­rooms, bread, chee­se and sau­sa­ges. How­ever, all this is of much bet­ter qua­li­ty than on the bri­tish is­les. So I didn't star­ve.

It was a ve­ry long trip with a lot of new ex­pe­ri­ences. The dia­ry con­clu­des this tour with the fol­low­ing sen­tence:

«5863 km - so­me­ti­mes I think, that was re­al­ly enough!»